All the birds from Birbfest 2024

In January, among other things, I have been busy with the #birbfest2024 challenge on Instagram. I decided to make all the birds in Procreate, rather than my usual vector art, and had a lot of fun in the process. Moreover, I found out about a lot of bird species I had never heard of, which is always a plus.

I am probably going to tweak some of these birds to turn them into placements illustrations for products, but meanwhile you can see the rest of them below

These are all available for licensing and I am also open for commissions in a similar style, so if you or your family and friends are bird lovers, please get in touch to discuss the details!

Here is the full list from left to right (starting from the first picture of this post):

  1. Grove billed Ani
  2. Evening Grosbeak
  3. Green-crowned Plovercrest
  4. Oxpecker
  5. Cerulean Warbler
  6. Blue Throat
  7. Scarlet Ibis
  8. King Penguin
  9. White-crested Helmetshrike
  10. Curl-crested Aracari
  11. Crested Caracara
  12. Eclectus Parrot
  13. Brown-hooded Kingfisher
  14. Egyptian Goose
  15. Blue Jay
  16. Beteleur
  17. Violet Cuckoo
  18. Diamond Firetail
  19. Grandala
  20. Little Bee-eater
  21. Phyrrhuloxia
  22. Paradise Tanager
  23. California Sage Grouse
  24. Crimson Chat
  25. Polish Chicken
  26. Goldfinch
  27. Pukeko
  28. Red and Yellow Barbet
  29. Snow Bunting
  30. Harpy Eagle
  31. White-browed Tit-warbler

You can also check them one by one on my Instagram profile @nyeldesign_illustration

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